Metafrax Trading International (MFTI) is a trading company located in Switzerland. Metafrax Trading International is active in marketing and sales of liquid/solid chemical products.
The products are whether delivered directly from production site to our customers or handled through our warehouse in Finland, in Poland and Georgia. Company operates several liquid tank farms and has a solid footprint worldwide via network of partnering warehouses, allowing to be closer to the customer.
Methanol Logistics
The tanks farms allow to accumulate, store and deliver hundreds of thousands of tons of methanol annually.
Solid Cargoes Logistics
Warehouses in Poland and Georgia allow to accumulate, store and repack product from rail and truck to silo-trucks. Using warehouses MFTI can fulfil orders at a 48 hours’ notice, even if it´s just one pallet of the product.
Acting as a trading company – Metafrax Trading International optimizes utilization of existing logistics infrastructure, buying and selling third party products, which are consumed by the same industries.
These days chemicals distribution industry lives in complete data transparency and Metafrax Trading International sees its competitive advantage in establishing long-term cooperation with strategic partners, keeping close ties with manufacturers, traders, distributors and end-users.
MFTI team consists of highly experienced professionals with commodity and specialty chemicals trading background, marine and inland transportation, international structured financing and accounting.

Products & services
Partners & Memberships
We are a constructive and mutually beneficial partner for:
International Methanol Producers and Consumers Association
We cooperate with European Chemicals Agency. ECHA is the main regulating body of European Union for registration of chemicals under REACH legislation.
ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd is one of the leading carriers in the global container shipping industry.
The Phosphorus, Inorganic & Nitrogen Flame Retardants Association – one of companies in our group is a member of Phosphorus, Inorganic & Nitrogen Flame Retardants Association
We use informational services of ICIS, one of the leading price-reporting agencies on the petrochemical market worldwide
One of our long-term strategic logistics partners
Atradius supports us offering wide choice of flexible payment options
Nitron Group is a worldwide distributor of fertilizers, with a dominant market position in Latin America, and growing positions in North America, Europe, and Africa.
Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse is our long-term banking partner
Contact us
Metafrax Trading International
Address: Via Balestra 3/5 6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Fax: +41 91 9115379